Friday, December 3, 2010

Interview Tips(contd)

Let us now break up the interview as follows from the interviewee's point of view.
  1. Content of the job talk:
    1. Keep it simple - try to present only the key points and make sure the audience is very clear on what those points are.
    2. Be prepared for likely questions - have colleagues and mentors ask the hardest questions they can think of.
    3. "Know your vulnerabilities." Make sure you know as much as possible but be ready to admit that you don't know about certain things.
    4. "Plant" questions that you know you are prepared to answer.
    5. Try to demonstrates that you have thought of, and think about, alternative arguments and know how to deal with them.
  2. Format of the job talk:
    1. Be prepared .
    2. Practice enough so that you exude confidence about your opinion and at the same time that you do not appear defensive.
    3. Never exceed your time limit, and try to come in under it. Nobody has ever been criticized for being too brief!
    4. Use simple language, avoid jargon
  3. Answering questions during the job talk:
    1.  It is ok to take time to process the question
    2. Make sure you are prepared for the hardest questions possible and practice being "under attack" to make sure you don't get flustered
    3. Have some "prepared" responses to questions that you know you won't know how to answer.
    4. Have some standard phrases  that allow you to respond positively to aggressive questioners, e.g., "That's a good question that I have been thinking about recently," etc , to help you buy time to think about the question.
    5. Remember to give short answers that directly answer the question. Don't go on too long.
    6. Don't interrupt or talk over people. Always make sure you leave plenty of space for others to talk.
    7. Always answer the actual question asked, regardless of the context of the question.
    8. If you become flustered during questioning, take a deep breath, or whatever you need to do to regain your composure fully but quickly.
  4. Know the institution you are applying to, the criteria they will use in the hire, and the process they will use in making a choice.
  5. Demonstrate that you would be a good colleague.
  6. Demonstrate a sincere interest in the field you are applying for.
  7. Do not give any person any reason to think poorly of you. Do not "badmouth" any of the people you meet to others.
  8. Be well groomed.
  9. Be before time for the interview.
  10. Carry all the documents needed in a professional file/ folder, properly sorted ,so that you don't have to rummage through it.
  11.  Thank the interviewer before leaving the room for spending his valuable time with you.
Send a thank you note after 2-3 days of your interview and just portray how professional and well behaved you are. This will definitely give a positive approach towards your character and behavior to the employer.

Follow some of the other tips in answering some common interview questions apart from these and come out with bright colors.

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