Today I will just list some questions that are commonly asked during interviews.
How would you describe yourself/tell me about yourself?
/Tell us what do should know about you?
Why do you want to work for this company? Tell us what you know about our company?
Why do you think you qualify to work for us?
/Why do you think you are important to the organization and Why should we hire you?
Where is your industry heading in the next five years?
Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
What are your main strengths and weaknesses?
/What abilities do you possess that would make you a contributing member of this organization?
What was your most interesting/ least interesting assignment?
Have you established any long-range goals and objectives?
When and why did you establish these goals? How are you preparing yourself to
achieve them?
What additional subjects, apart from your area of specialization, would you feel
competent to perform and at what level?
What are your plans for future improvement of professional skills?
Why did you choose the Management Profession of IB/HR/ Marketing/ Finance?
What factors are most important to you in a job?
Do you have a geographical preference? Why?
Describe your most positive/rewarding experience?
Describe your most negative/trying experience?
Why did you select to study at your particular institute?
In what way can you add value to the role?What are your greatest concerns about your first year with our organization?
Do you have any direct sales experience?What are your organizational capabilities? Tell us something about your interpersonal
skills and presentation abilities?
skills and presentation abilities?
What do you seek for in a job?
How long you would stay with us?
What is the role of the Manager in an organization?
What principles can one use to motivate people?
What is the most exciting thing happening in the area of business today?
Describe the relationship that should exist between a manager and subordinates?
Tell me about your views on Performance Management?
How would you resolve a conflict between subordinates, superiors, and yourself?
Describe a situation in which you encountered a problem and tell us how you dealt with it.
Describe a project on which you worked which had a very short deadline.
How did you meet that deadline?
Describe a situation which you considered stressful. What role did you play?
Describe how you dealt with the situation.
What will you prefer a better work environment or better salary package?
How do you spend your time outside of work? What activities do you enjoy most and why?
Describe a situation where you have been in a position of leading a group in those activities.
What is the last book you read? What did you think of it?
What is your favorite sport? What aspect of it appeals to you?
What have you done that you are proud of?
Who are your heroes? Why?
What do you do with your leisure or vacation time? What special interests do you have?
If you go through the questions carefully, you can see that they can be broadly categorized
into few categories like " tell me something about yourself"," why we should hire you", "what
are your career goals"," how would you handle a challenging experience"," how you can handle
pressure" ," what are your key strengths" etc.
In the next post I would try to address how to handle such questions.